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NPC ID: 415 Type: Normal
Sometimes Says: "Buying Golden Items"
Shop (Dragon Mountain Shop)

# 767
Scroll Of Dragon MountainBuy: 50,000
Sell: 5,000

# 559
Gold NuggetSell: 5,000

# 567
Centurion PlateSell: 10,000

# 568
Centurion PlateSell: 10,000

# 555
Centurion EdgeSell: 10,000

# 731
Centurion BraceletSell: 10,000

# 609
Centurion BracerSell: 10,000

# 732
Centurion NecklaceSell: 10,000

# 576
Golden Centurion BootsSell: 10,000

# 519
Golden Centurion GlovesSell: 10,000

# 661
Golden Centurion HelmSell: 10,000

# 583
Golden Centurion RingSell: 10,000

# 660
Golden Centurion ShieldSell: 10,000
Crafting (Dragon Mountain Shop)

# 732
Centurion NecklaceGold Nugget: 2
Luminous Necklace: 1

# 731
Centurion BraceletLuminous Bracelet: 1
Gold Nugget: 2