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Showing top 100 guilds
Tag Name Members Exp
SJM Straight jacket mafia 65 10,201,030,965
SOW Swords of wisdom 54 5,264,497,354
POP Proest of the pros 19 2,659,096,093
FV Flawless victory 73 2,142,093,670
PIC Partners in crime 6 1,751,961,810
KZS Krazies 8 1,751,169,066
ONA Only newbs allowed 15 1,531,356,753
SAX Stand alone complex 39 1,420,989,056
BPG Backpack gang 49 1,170,674,951
XXX X rated 27 1,036,975,316
TNA The ninja agency 201 1,000,541,146
FTB Follow the buzzards 2 917,773,244
GOD Gathering op domination 26 824,048,165
CVP Cokevspepsi 4 664,195,016
XD X just laugh with me x 16 628,842,514
AIR Ace imperial renegades 5 537,987,610
WDC We dont care 46 505,341,211
HO Haunted origins 15 388,089,321
BAD Bold azure dragons 25 362,043,107
WPK Wolf pack 19 351,231,355
PK Pk perfection 9 278,280,148
CIA Classic arena 16 276,892,072
IV Infamous vengeance 11 238,901,396
HKP Hello kitty princesses 6 234,854,000
MNR Midnight rogues 9 229,300,356
GAL Get a life 4 223,179,890
THC The crossed 19 212,421,130
CAT Cat snacks 14 186,405,816
GOT Guild of thrones 24 174,619,864
WSP Wanderin souls o peace 8 169,653,204
OP One piece 7 159,754,371
WAL We are legend 23 155,831,041
TOH The outer heaven 1 154,816,921
UTL Under the lotus 33 153,408,432
ATK Akatsuki 2 146,190,944
SAS Sexy angels 117 129,887,009
MNC Macaroni and cheese 4 128,800,423
NTL Nothing to lose 37 128,111,253
SPK Six pak 31 126,842,165
SOA Sons of anarchy 8 125,366,364
GM Game masters 7 124,412,832
GFO Gtfo 7 122,965,784
EIP Everything is possible 18 114,718,511
SAR Saras alts 21 104,277,294
BH Bounty hunters 8 87,137,646
STP St theresa 16 82,256,941
EXP Experience 28 80,082,599
PF Perfection 33 74,288,488
INT Intoxicated 3 66,311,377
CRY Crayola 21 51,598,226
NBK Natural born killers 2 50,520,527
LZ Limited access 1 44,909,448
SAE Suck at everything 12 39,111,694
ACT Admins cant touch us 29 39,020,418
MAX Maxxxx and friends 9 38,984,109
DS Dark souls 4 38,600,610
SWS Sleeping with sirens 24 37,352,958
NBD Never back down 7 36,339,263
TBG The best guild 9 35,122,608
SAO Sword art online 7 33,918,954
TSK The sleeping knights 5 33,820,887
WOE Warriors of edge 12 32,538,381
LTH Love trust honesty 21 32,167,528
LC Legit cuties 1 31,743,188
ARG Arglons friends 21 31,166,598
EF Elite few 1 30,935,929
ATU Across the universe 10 29,757,237
WI Wireless 1 29,093,286
COW Cows original wanderers 16 28,201,905
BRS Brazilians real soldiers 2 27,855,406
BM Beast mode 26 26,634,475
SO Special operations 23 26,400,513
RL Relentless 3 26,384,737
ES Elite slayers 12 26,247,515
EB Ebola 8 25,800,232
TSM The silver millenium 6 25,671,223
FME Feed me 14 25,488,967
AIP Anything is possible 6 25,172,534
HAT Hats are terrific 9 23,768,478
TUC The unbreakable crew 3 21,632,731
YCG You cant get like me 3 21,612,538
OCS Outcasts 8 21,361,641
MOP Masters of puppets 7 21,217,232
NO New order 2 20,725,865
GUN Guns and ammo 4 20,617,045
STE Stavas empire 3 18,387,536
OC Organized crime 4 17,851,011
OH Oh baby 1 17,693,906
DK Disturbed killers 4 17,405,437
FLB Free leftbrain 5 17,255,561
ORG Omnificent gladiators 5 15,055,099
AB Acid burn 2 14,122,239
PBJ Peanut butter and jelly 7 13,741,246
OVR Overrated 6 12,858,078
VA Valours angels 7 12,512,993
HL Helmy legion 7 12,131,055
NSY Notorious syndicate 4 11,993,940
KH Kingdom hearts 19 11,926,471
TOM Toms alts 48 11,907,982
ASF Amis sans frontieres 6 11,886,907
Showing top 100 guilds