Showing top 100 guilds
Tag | Name | Members | Exp |
SJM | Straight jacket mafia | 65 | 10,201,030,965 |
SOW | Swords of wisdom | 54 | 5,264,497,354 |
POP | Proest of the pros | 19 | 2,659,096,093 |
FV | Flawless victory | 73 | 2,142,093,670 |
PIC | Partners in crime | 6 | 1,751,961,810 |
KZS | Krazies | 8 | 1,751,169,066 |
ONA | Only newbs allowed | 15 | 1,531,356,753 |
SAX | Stand alone complex | 39 | 1,420,989,056 |
BPG | Backpack gang | 49 | 1,170,674,951 |
XXX | X rated | 27 | 1,036,975,316 |
TNA | The ninja agency | 201 | 1,000,541,146 |
FTB | Follow the buzzards | 2 | 917,773,244 |
GOD | Gathering op domination | 26 | 824,048,165 |
CVP | Cokevspepsi | 4 | 664,195,016 |
XD | X just laugh with me x | 16 | 628,842,514 |
AIR | Ace imperial renegades | 5 | 537,987,610 |
WDC | We dont care | 46 | 505,341,211 |
HO | Haunted origins | 15 | 388,089,321 |
BAD | Bold azure dragons | 25 | 362,043,107 |
WPK | Wolf pack | 19 | 351,231,355 |
PK | Pk perfection | 9 | 278,280,148 |
CIA | Classic arena | 16 | 276,892,072 |
IV | Infamous vengeance | 11 | 238,901,396 |
HKP | Hello kitty princesses | 6 | 234,854,000 |
MNR | Midnight rogues | 9 | 229,300,356 |
GAL | Get a life | 4 | 223,179,890 |
THC | The crossed | 19 | 212,421,130 |
CAT | Cat snacks | 14 | 186,405,816 |
GOT | Guild of thrones | 24 | 174,619,864 |
WSP | Wanderin souls o peace | 8 | 169,653,204 |
OP | One piece | 7 | 159,754,371 |
WAL | We are legend | 23 | 155,831,041 |
TOH | The outer heaven | 1 | 154,816,921 |
UTL | Under the lotus | 33 | 153,408,432 |
ATK | Akatsuki | 2 | 146,190,944 |
SAS | Sexy angels | 117 | 129,887,009 |
MNC | Macaroni and cheese | 4 | 128,800,423 |
NTL | Nothing to lose | 37 | 128,111,253 |
SPK | Six pak | 31 | 126,842,165 |
SOA | Sons of anarchy | 8 | 125,366,364 |
GM | Game masters | 7 | 124,412,832 |
GFO | Gtfo | 7 | 122,965,784 |
EIP | Everything is possible | 18 | 114,718,511 |
SAR | Saras alts | 21 | 104,277,294 |
BH | Bounty hunters | 8 | 87,137,646 |
STP | St theresa | 16 | 82,256,941 |
EXP | Experience | 28 | 80,082,599 |
PF | Perfection | 33 | 74,288,488 |
INT | Intoxicated | 3 | 66,311,377 |
CRY | Crayola | 21 | 51,598,226 |
NBK | Natural born killers | 2 | 50,520,527 |
LZ | Limited access | 1 | 44,909,448 |
SAE | Suck at everything | 12 | 39,111,694 |
ACT | Admins cant touch us | 29 | 39,020,418 |
MAX | Maxxxx and friends | 9 | 38,984,109 |
DS | Dark souls | 4 | 38,600,610 |
SWS | Sleeping with sirens | 24 | 37,352,958 |
NBD | Never back down | 7 | 36,339,263 |
TBG | The best guild | 9 | 35,122,608 |
SAO | Sword art online | 7 | 33,918,954 |
TSK | The sleeping knights | 5 | 33,820,887 |
WOE | Warriors of edge | 12 | 32,538,381 |
LTH | Love trust honesty | 21 | 32,167,528 |
LC | Legit cuties | 1 | 31,743,188 |
ARG | Arglons friends | 21 | 31,166,598 |
EF | Elite few | 1 | 30,935,929 |
ATU | Across the universe | 10 | 29,757,237 |
WI | Wireless | 1 | 29,093,286 |
COW | Cows original wanderers | 16 | 28,201,905 |
BRS | Brazilians real soldiers | 2 | 27,855,406 |
BM | Beast mode | 26 | 26,634,475 |
SO | Special operations | 23 | 26,400,513 |
RL | Relentless | 3 | 26,384,737 |
ES | Elite slayers | 12 | 26,247,515 |
EB | Ebola | 8 | 25,800,232 |
TSM | The silver millenium | 6 | 25,671,223 |
FME | Feed me | 14 | 25,488,967 |
AIP | Anything is possible | 6 | 25,172,534 |
HAT | Hats are terrific | 9 | 23,768,478 |
TUC | The unbreakable crew | 3 | 21,632,731 |
YCG | You cant get like me | 3 | 21,612,538 |
OCS | Outcasts | 8 | 21,361,641 |
MOP | Masters of puppets | 7 | 21,217,232 |
NO | New order | 2 | 20,725,865 |
GUN | Guns and ammo | 4 | 20,617,045 |
STE | Stavas empire | 3 | 18,387,536 |
OC | Organized crime | 4 | 17,851,011 |
OH | Oh baby | 1 | 17,693,906 |
DK | Disturbed killers | 4 | 17,405,437 |
FLB | Free leftbrain | 5 | 17,255,561 |
ORG | Omnificent gladiators | 5 | 15,055,099 |
AB | Acid burn | 2 | 14,122,239 |
PBJ | Peanut butter and jelly | 7 | 13,741,246 |
OVR | Overrated | 6 | 12,858,078 |
VA | Valours angels | 7 | 12,512,993 |
HL | Helmy legion | 7 | 12,131,055 |
NSY | Notorious syndicate | 4 | 11,993,940 |
KH | Kingdom hearts | 19 | 11,926,471 |
TOM | Toms alts | 48 | 11,907,982 |
ASF | Amis sans frontieres | 6 | 11,886,907 |